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personnel costs中文是什么意思

用"personnel costs"造句"personnel costs"怎么读"personnel costs" in a sentence


  • 军费
  • 人员的开支


  • Hiring talent fresh out of college is one way to slash personnel costs
    (雇佣大学应届毕业人才是大幅度降低人工成本的一种方法。 )
  • Infer those costs referring above belong to the personnel cost of corporation after my careful analysis
  • If the adjusted personnel cost in the income statement contains the bonus for employees in stocks , the trends of all the ratios will change . 2
  • Assessment that rising personnel costs strain budget allocations , especially since the divestiture of a number of pla enterprises have reduced that funding source
  • We can conclude that 1993is an important turning point at the mutative percentage after the adjustment to all the personnel cost that dose not include in the income statement originally . 4
    2 、由公司观点进行调整的模式因不包含员工股票分红,因此在大部分情形,所受到的冲击均低于原股东观点进行的调整。
  • Web - based training and learning seems to be a perfect way to reach a huge pool of potential students , as well as curtail the high infrastructure and personnel costs of traditional schooling
  • As for the salary subsidies , although the actual amounts involved are not very large , luo feels that they can make a significant contribution to reducing the personnel costs of companies wishing to recruit overseas talent
  • We possess fully automatic machine production technology that secures excellent sanitation safety while also saving time and reducing personnel costs through the automation of all production processes
  • The franchisee can hire and train special personnel for beauty - care marketing , through the shop in shop model , allowing these special personnel initiate their reserve business start - up within the franchise store ; thus the human resource is unlimitedly available , without any personnel cost of hiring cosmetologists
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